Are you aware of these latest 5 modular kitchen design trends?

Are you aware of these latest 5 modular kitchen design trends?

Are you aware of these latest 5 modular kitchen design trends

Following trend is something we enjoy doing especially when it comes to shopping. But keeping track of
the trends should not be limited to only your wardrobe, your house too needs to be trendy as well, most
importantly the kitchen. The kitchen design has been changing through decades and now we are living in
the age of modular kitchen, the reason we must stay updated about the latest trends is because, the
modular kitchen manufacturers always introduce something new to ensure that the modular kitchen
models not only have the best modern elegant kitchen designs, but also smarter features that would
help the customer carry out kitchen activities in the most efficient manner. So, before you rush to your
nearest modular kitchen store, update your knowledge regarding the latest modular kitchen trends.


Modular kitchen design: What’s trending?


Since modular kitchen design is built around the idea of making a kitchen highly functional and compact,
the manufacturers keep on coming up with new features, they also take into account the requirements
of the customers and develop ideas in accordance with that. If you just visit modular kitchen stores in
Indore, Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi, Patna and in other major cities you would be amazed to find the
stunning designs that would greet you. Be it in terms of style, quality, functionality, these modular
kitchen models are too tempting to ignore. So, let’s check what is trending now.


The island is now a must have feature:


One of the coolest trends that one can perceive is the inclusion of the kitchen, earlier it was thought that
the island is just a western thing, a luxury addition to the kitchen setting that can spare the space to
include one. But now with time, people are realizing the significance of having an island in the kitchen,
as this element could offer multiple benefits. Especially in the apartment setting, the island can be a
blessing as you can transform it into a cozy dining nook. Furthermore, it might be used for installing
additional cabinets and also for a separate countertop.


Let’s welcome the green:


Interesting enough the modular kitchen designs are now getting more earth friendly, which is definitely a
positive step. Given the deepening climate crisis, it is our responsibility to be more sensitive towards the
environment and take measures to protect it. The modular kitchen designs now reflect this idea, as the
designers are looking for materials which would be more eco-friendly and sustainability is something
they are really serious about. So, expect your kitchen to be eco-friendly, and there is also a trend
towards including greenery in the kitchen design. Be it through indoor plants or, opting for beautiful
green hue for the cabinets, the kitchen is going green.


The pantry unit:


The storage has always been an issue in the kitchen that causes the biggest problems. Unless everything
is properly stored and in its place, you can never get rid of the clutter and the kitchen activities would be
filled with hassles. The Indian kitchens especially, are known for stocking up on the grocery essentials. It
does not make sense if you just fill up your cabinets with these items. Having a separate pantry unit for
storing these elements could be an ideal solution, being separate from rest of the storage this unit serves
its function. If you have a big family or, entertain guests often and need to stock up on items, then a
pantry would be perfect.


Minimalistic and sleek designs:


If you just approach the best modular kitchen designers in Chennai, and in other cities, you would
immediately notice that the design is tipping heavily towards the sleek and minimalistic style. Be it the
cabinet designs, or, some other element, the designers are creating kitchen spaces which are highly
functional yet reflect an elegant, understated elegance that fits so well in the urban setting. The
introduction of glass is again an effort to enhance the style quotient, the glass partitions are lending an
intimate touch to the kitchen. Unlike before now the kitchen is not a separate entity in the house, but it
blends with the rest.


Smarter appliances rule the roost:


The modern appliances are an integral part of the modern kitchen, you cannot imagine stepping into a
kitchen that does not have the latest appliances. A modular kitchen is known for its in-built appliances
which enable you to breathe free by lessening your workload. The latest modular kitchen designs are
now transforming into smart kitchens all thanks to the presence of the smart appliances. One more thing
to notice here would be the inclusion of appliances which are energy-efficient. Good for your pocket,
and also good for our planet.

Now it’s time for the wrap up, the above mentioned trends are some of the most interesting ones we
found that can truly make a difference. From color to texture, new trends will keep on coming and you
must be aware of each, so that when you step into the modular kitchen store, you can pick out the best.


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  • Priyanka Arora

    Working as interior designer at Hacker Kitchens has been an incredible journey of 10 years, filled with growth, creativity, and fulfillment. The supportive work environment, emphasis on collaboration, commitment to excellence, and the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on spaces and lives have made this experience truly exceptional. I am proud to be a part of Hacker Kichens and excited to continue contributing to its success in the future.

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